FROM THE HOLY HILLS: "The Decalogue"

  December 31 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice The Decalogue simply means the Ten Commandments. These are set of rules given by Elohim in...


December 31 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

The Decalogue simply means the Ten Commandments. These are set of rules given by Elohim in the Bible to man; to foster peaceful coexistence between man and Elohim and between man and his fellow man. The Ten commandment in the Bible can be seen in Exodus 20:1- 17. 
Theologically one can argue that the Ten Commandments predates the creation of man before it was tabulated on stones and handed over to a set of Jewish slaves who just regained their freedom from bondage in Egypt. That was why Cain was punished when he killed his brother Abel. 

The traditional Igbo society is very conversant with the Ten Commandments. Our ancestors neither bow down to man nor idols. Our ancestors don't worship idols as some were made to believe. What the white invaders called idols were artefacts which were moulded and carved masterpiece representing men and women of noble character, and people who manifested exceptional skill and bravery in sports like wrestling and in battle field in times of war in our communities. 

Ironically, those white Colonialists that tagged these artworks idols, finally stole them and they are neatly kept in their museums presently, where tourists even from Igbo land pay huge amount of money just to have a glimpse of the artefacts designed by our wonderful ancestors. 

 A cursory study of the Pentateuch; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, one will not be seen to be gibbering, if one says that the Bible (Torah) more than any book in the world documented our culture, customs and traditions even before the coming of the white colonialists in our land with their Holy Bible. 

This now gives birth to some Million-Dollar questions? 

Who are the Igbos? 
Are we Jewish people? 
Are Jewish people Igbo migrants? 
Which God handed over Igbo traditional culture to the Jews of the Bible? 

Our laws of purification during child birth (Omugwo) and in times of death (Ikwa ozu)? 

Keeping a day holy above other ‘Sabbath' some communities in Igbo have a Market day (Eke, Oye, Afor, Nkwo) which they don't conduct traditional marriage or burial ceremony.
The Biblical law of Circumcision (Ibe ugwu).

Law guiding the sharing of property in a polygamous family.

The Harvest and New yam festival (Iri iji).

Recognition of right hand for honour and blessing and left hand for dishonour, to mention but a few. 

No other race in the world can boast of having their traditions, cultures language and nuances scattered all over the Bible more than the Igbos. 

I just read a short rider few days ago from some stupendous ignoramus who wrote; “The God of the Bible is a SCAM." "The God of The Bible is not Chukwu Okike Abiama."

If Elohim can give His beloved children; the Jews the same law which formed the basis of Igbo Omenani, Odinani, Aru, Nso Ani, Ikpu Alu and Iju aja, who then is Chukwu Okike Abiama? Who then is the God of the Bible?

In your going back to your roots, you should be very careful and mindful of the things you post online. In your arrogance of mediocrity, make time and do your research well. Listen to the admonition of Saint Paul to Timothy.  

2 Tim 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  

As a Biafran freedom fighter what should be topmost in your priority list is Biafra Restoration not religious extremism, religious ignominy and bigotry. 

Only a paid agent should be hell bent in using religion to divide our people who are just cueing in to the struggle after Nigeria judiciary appointed them as we predicted. 

Remain focused If you are a genuine Freedom Fighter or keep goofing in your idiocy. 


Written by:
Obi Emma
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike 
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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FROM THE HOLY HILLS: "The Decalogue"
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