March 01 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice  As graduates of Radio Biafra under the tutelage of the great teacher and prophet; Mazi Nnamd...


March 01 2023 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

 As graduates of Radio Biafra under the tutelage of the great teacher and prophet; Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, we already know that you cannot vote out this crop of leaders in Nigeria, they are not the type you can twist their arm through a popular election with your useless PVC. You are dealing with old war horses. These are masters of election and electoral fraud, masters of forgery and deception. 

Nigeria is a country where students who were at home due to industrial strike for 8 months would ask to take their semester examination 2 weeks after resumption without lectures and yet they will all pass tremendously. Making academic institution a breeding ground for exam tactician and forgery syndicates. The same students will grow up to become future Governors senators, legislators and honourable men of the jury.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was sent by Elohim to liberate all the indigenous communities trapped in the British cage called Nigeria not only the Biafrans. A clear understanding of this statement automatically sets you on a new path for self-determination. 

I am not here to condemn or commend the charade called election, neither am I here to console those that lost and congratulate those that were pronounced winners of the presumed election. 

I stand for referendum at least for now. I cannot promise you we will continue to ask for referendum.  When you fail to give us referendum, you should actually expect the declaration of Biafra by force, because our people are not accepted in Nigeria, even our farmlands are being coveted by Fulani Militia masquerading as herders from Sahel region courtesy of Nigeria Military. 

The 100 years of forceful amalgamation of Nigeria ended 2013, by every implication, what every sane person should be asking for is a peaceful dissolution of Nigeria through a referendum. 

To prove my point; assuming Nigeria was dissolved last year into 4 nations; Biafra, Arewa, Oduduwa, and Middle Belt, will someone like Tinubu at his age and several scandals surrounding his business and academic background present himself for an elective position in a new Oduduwa nation, when we have people like Wole Soyinka, Sowore, Femi Falana etc?

Will Atiku at his age be parading himself as a presidential candidate in the new Arewa nation, when we have young dynamic leaders like Sanusi, El-Rufai, Ribadu etc?

In the new Biafra nation how certain are you that Peter Obi will even qualify for a primary election in Biafra land before he can even think of winning the presidential election? We have men, intellectuals, technocrat who have helped to build the economy of other countries. They left Nigeria out of frustration because they discovered on time that Nigeria is irredeemable.

Those who rule Nigeria through her fraudulent electoral processes are mostly those who have endorsement of the Ruling cabal, Britain and international community because, Nigeria is a British property. 

Until Nigeria is dismembered, don't expect any meaningful development that will revamp the economy and impart positively the lives of the citizens.

I keep asking this question, why did Britain worked against intellectuals like Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Okotie Ebo, Tony Enahoro, Akintola, but handed over power to a set of people who rejected Western Education. People who are anti-progressive and anti-civilization. 

That explains the reason while Nigeria is regarded as a Third World Country, which I personally see as a compliment, because we don't deserve that rating. 

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is being persecuted for providing the solution for the fundamental problem of Nigeria. 


Written by:
Obi Emma
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice -TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike 
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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