November 28 2021 | The Biafra Restoration Voice When Mazi Nnamdi Kanu said, they are coming to our land, but they will all d.i.e in Biafra...


November 28 2021 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

When Mazi Nnamdi Kanu said, they are coming to our land, but they will all d.i.e in Biafra Land, what did you think? You think you are the one going to kill them?

Many of you listened to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu broadcasts, but from the ongoing, it seems many of us didn't understand anything. Anyway, many of the things he said were spiritual and to understand him and not be offended you must be spiritual.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu said so many unbelievable things, he said so many things that look impossible to man, but very possible to God.

By the grace of God, I will be bringing them up from time to time to us as the Holy Spirit reminds me of them, just as he reminded me this one I'm sharing with us now yesterday morning immediately I woke up from sleep and I decided to write about it.

In the Bible, during the journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to their promised land, God instructed Joshua to instruct the people to compass the city and go round the city of Jericho for six days, once every day, and on the seventh day, go round the city seven times, and on the seventh time on the seventh day, the Priests would blow the trumpets and Joshua would command them to shout for joy.

This they did, matched round the city once every day for six days, and seven times on the seventh day without saying a word to anybody or made any noise as they went round the city of Jericho as Joshua commanded them.

In the Bible, we read that upon completion of the exercise, the Priests blew the trumpets and Joshua said to them "SHOUT for the Lord has given you the city" and all the people as they were commanded shouted with great shout and the THICK Wall of the city of Jericho fell down flat without the help of any mortal being pushing it down. No man, no tractor pushed it down, but it fell down by the mighty hand of the Almighty God.

This is the mighty Jericho we read was straight shut up because of their fear of the children of Israel to the extent, none from Jericho went out and none came in.

"Obedience is better than sacrifice". Just obedience to instruction from their leadership that seemed "childish and laughable and a joke" CRUMBLED the HEAVY obstacle that was before them. Read (Joshua 6: 1 -16) for more.

Some Bible scholars have said or rather believed that one of the reasons God commanded Joshua to command the children of Israel not to say anything or discussed anything with themselves as they matched round the city of Jericho those number of days and number of times was to prevent them from speaking their doubts, complaining, murmuring, quarrelling, abusing Moses who brought them out of Egypt or abusing Joshua or even abusing God as they matched, which was possible following their character.

Yes, at times, there are some things we may not understand in this our journey of restoration of Biafra, but our duty is to obey instructions, listen to our leadership that God has given to us and also, ask questions where you are confused, criticize where necessary to help the struggle move forward, but not hateful criticism that will demean, belittle the leadership and collapse the struggle. Demonic criticism that will destroy the struggle will not be allowed to prevail no matter your intention, grievances or ignorance.

Finally, as I end this message today, I encourage you to remain obedient, strong, steadfast and unmovable. We are on the right part and God is with us and for us. Biafra restoration is a divine project and a righteous course.

Failure is not an option. We will win. Victory is assured.

Ihe obula asi anyi mee, ka anyi meenu ya, maka odi nma Ndi Igbo.

Ngwa, pass round the offering box for Sunday offering 😂😂
Today's service has come to an end. Ndewonu!

Written by:
Her Excellency Oluchi Christy Enyinnaya
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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