May 26 2020 | The Biafra Restoration Voice In 1960, Nigeria gained political independence from Britain. Six years later, the Muslim ...

May 26 2020 | The Biafra Restoration Voice

In 1960, Nigeria gained political independence from Britain. Six years later, the Muslim Fulanis and Hausa in northern Nigeria began massacring the Christian Igbos in the region as a result of the Military coup organised by young Military Majors from different regions of Nigeria. Their mission was to have a United Nigeria, devoid of ethnic and religious bigotry, they saw the politicians of the first republic as very corrupt and responsible for the division among the ethnic nationalities in Nigeria. Using Ethnicity and religion as tool of division especially during electioneering campaigns.

The whole coup was erroneously labelled an Igbo coup, because those who supposed to kill Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo and host of other Politicians failed in their own part of the deal. Chukwuma Nzeogwu an Igbo man from Okpanam in the present-day Delta state was able to assassinate Sardauna of Sokoto in what appears like a suicide mission with his troupe as was agreed by all the coup plotters including those from Northern region. The announcement by BBC Hausa service, was the only thing needed to set the entire Country on fire, the coup was seditiously labelled an Igbo coup by BBC, which triggered the already bottled anger of North against their presumed domineering Igbo race.

The result was the butchering of over Five Thousand Biafrans in Kano alone in one day, men, women, children including pregnant women were hunted down and their stomach ripped open to make sure the baby was killed first before the mother was slaughtered.

This pogrom prompted tens of thousands of Igbos to flee to the east, where their people were the dominant ethnic group. The Igbos doubted that Nigeria’s oppressive military government would allow them to develop, or even survive, so on May 30, 1967, Lieutenant Colonel Odumegwu Ojukwu and other non-Igbo speaking representatives of the area, established the Republic of Biafra, comprising several states of the southern part of Nigeria.

It is also important to note here that the killing of the Igbos in the Northern Nigeria did not start with the 1966 Coup of the young Majors. Our people have always been used by the rest of the country as sacrificial lamb.

The 1956 Kano riot was a case in the memory of all the students of history. This was a case where Northern leaders were booed in the streets of Lagos for rejecting a bill in floor of the federal house of assembly submitted by Anthony Enahoro, calling for the independence of Nigeria from Britain. The Northern Politicians went back to the North to call for the killing of the Igbos in the Northern part of Nigeria leaving the Yorubas that caused the problem. This made the Oba of Lagos to go and show his appreciation to Emir of Kano for sparing the lives of the Yorubas who were the real culprits in the streets of Lagos.

So, as we remember our Heroes and Heroines today, let us continue to tell our stories by ourselves before they distort the story to change the narratives, to suit their insatiable goal of eternal domination of the land of our inheritance.

Our fathers and mothers were indeed heroes and heroines, they saw the future and rightly judged that we have no future in a union that promotes mediocrity over meritocracy, a union that promotes religious and ethnic bigotry above development and achievement, a union that value life of animals above the sacred life of human beings created in the image of Elohim. A union where your fellow countrymen see your existence as a threat to their life and religion.

They declared for a holy nation of Biafra, where fundamental human right will be respected, where life will be treated as sacred, they did not only declare a Nation, they gave their lives to defend it. They fought gallantly for three years against the kingdom of darkness, Britain, Germany and Russian, Egypt, Saudi Arabia etc, will never forget the three years of war in our land. The Northern Caliphate knew the war did not end, they knew Biafra was not defeated that is why the war is still on in our land, that is why we have So many military and police checkpoints in our land more than anywhere in the world. That is why we have so many Fulani terrorist migrating into our land for their final onslaught. 

I salute you our Heroes and Heroines, you fought a good and just fight, after over 50 years, the world still hears the cry for freedom louder than ever not only from Biafrans but from all the oppressed people of the zoo Nigeria. 

Indeed, you have been vindicated, your sacrifice was duly accepted by Elohim, which is a sign of victory for His people; the children of Biafra. I salute you Chief Odumegwu Ojukwu, Philip Effiong, Colonel Achuzie (Hannibal) Corporal Nwafor, Corporal Nwawo and all who gave their lives for this struggle, all the charity organisations, the Christian Missions, Bruce Mayrock whose sacrifice changed the minds of the Western world towards Biafra genocide, the Charitas, all foreigners who assisted various ways to preserve the children of God, the list is endless.

On this great day, we celebrate you all. Those children who were starved to death by Yakubu Gowon, Obafemi Awolowo, Britain and her allies. Your blood has been crying to Elohim for vengeance, that is why Nigeria has remained Irredeemable not minding all the help she receives from outside world.

I salute all those who have resurrected the Biafra spirit of the modern-day agitation, those who gave their wisdom, their time, money and their lives to this struggle, your sacrifices will never be in vain, you all have your reward from Elohim.

Special Honour to His Royal Majesty, Igwe and Lolo Israel Okwu Kanu, the Royal family that Elohim used to give us a worthy son; Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the fallen Heroes and Heroines of Operation Python dance 1, 2and 3, Crocodile Smile 1,2 and 3, all the fallen heroes of 30th May 2015 and 2016, those massacred in Aba, Igweocha, Nkpor, Head bridge Onitsha, Asaba etc. Your reward is great in heaven, and your sacrifices have been our strength and fuel, fuelling this struggle.

My respect goes to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the leader of IPOB, his deputy Uche Mefor and all the members of IPOB, all the freedom fighters including those on social media night and day. Uncovering the lies of the enemy. The ever-faithful boss of TBRV; Her Excellency Oluchi Christy Enyinnaya and her crew of TBRV writers for their tenacity and resilience, we must continue. For our salvation is nearer now, then when we first believed.

 Biafra is already here.

Adieu our Great Heroes and Heroines.

We shall meet to part no more.

Written by:
Obi Emma
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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