In the ancient past, God sent the prophets to inform and organise the people on the path of Right, just and truth in their conduct and ...

In the ancient past, God sent the prophets to inform and organise the people on the path of Right, just and truth in their conduct and relation with their fellow man. Man, in his nature usually disobeys the law which attracts punishment in the form of conquest and enslavement by a superior power. God in his infinite mercy sends the prophets to preach repentance, forgiveness and hope, restoration and liberation.

The coming of Yahweheshua the Christ was to pay the supreme sacrifice for the atonement and liberation from Sin thorough the death on a cross and the free gift of salvation.

From time immemorial, God has always raised an individual and a significant few to champion the Course of liberation and restoration of hope. From the days of the prophets to the apostles down to the early church fathers and missionaries. The mission and purpose have always been the same--- restoration, hope, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

The Indigenous people of Biafra are inhabitants and natives of the territories that make up Biafra. They are basically pursuing the course for the restoration of the ancient kingdom of Biafra and right of dignity, National identity, respect and unrestricted progress and advancement.

The Movement is led by Prince Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the Directorate of State together with the intercontinental representatives, National coordinators, regional, zonal and unit coordinators. They are the significant minority that has pledged their loyalty to the land of the rising sun and are ready to restore the new nation at all cost.

Yahweheshua the Christ was sent by the father to preach good news to the poor, set the captives free, heal the sick and give the free gift of salvation. He gave hope to the downtrodden, preached liberty to the captives, repentance from Sin and reconciliation to the eternal Father. After resurrection, He commanded his disciples to continue the good work and promised to be with them to the end of time. He has not failed.

The disciples continued to preach the gospel of hope, liberation and repentance. They shook great empires from the very foundation. From Jerusalem to Rome down to the Byzantine empire. The Greco- Roman- Judea-Christian value system was planted in the heart of many and subsequently passed down to generations.

The church in Nigeria is facing an existential threat from an “Evil Agenda" of Radical Islamism. Since the 19th century, they have declared an unprovoked war on the indigenous people of West Africa with their ultimate focus in the Atlantic Ocean. Of course, with the active connivance of their imperial collaborators and local useful idiots. Their mission is clear. The church leaders are fully aware of the impending danger but has refused to take action.

The church is busy amassing wealth and fortune while radical Islamic ideologists are perfecting their plans to hoist a black flag with Arabic inscriptions in their cathedrals and worship centres. A good majority of church leaders are keeping silent when they should speak up and take decisive actions to repel this ruthless match to dip the Quran in the Atlantic Ocean.

God has always raised great apostles of faith to match side by side with the people in defence of the traditional values and preservation of national identity.

His Eminence, Jaime Cardinal Sin (1928-2005) the charismatic past primate of the Philippine Church mobilized the people in the “people power revolution” together with the President of Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippine (CBCP) Cardinal Vidal and other religious leaders to pull down the totalitarian and notorious regime of President Marcus.  Cardinal Sin's motto is, "I will serve". He was always at the service of his people. Always shielding his people from the forces of extremism. He clearly understood that it is a battle between the church and the forces of darkness. When pressured by Rome he threatened to resign if compelled to withdraw his support for his suffering and degraded people. Love for the flocks of Christ and absolute loyalty to the fatherland.

Where are the Cardinal J. Sins of the Nigerian church? Have the leaders of the church abandoned the flocks of Christ? Umu Chukwu Okike Abiama are like sheep without Shepherd.

During the Apartheid regime in South Africa, when the government imprisoned the Top ANC leaders and the organisation placed under ban. Other leaders like Oliver Tambo and Thabo Mbeki where operating from London, there arose a new set of nationalists who took up the mantle from religious angle and where instrumental in pointing out the moral decadence in the apartheid system-- the black clergy, ably led by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. He stood with the people by condemning the atrocities of the government from the pulpit. He spoke in funerals, joined in rallies and protests in total solidarity to the wishes and aspiration of the indigenous people.

Archbishop Tutu played a vital role in the collapse of the Apartheid system. He travelled widely, to garner support for the liberation movement, galvanized his international connection in defence of the homeland. He called on the international community to pressure and impose sanctions on the apartheid regime. Nelson Mandela described him as " public enemy number one for the powers that be". Absolute commitment and total dedication to the struggle for the emancipation of his people. He cared for the flock of Christ.

The leaders of the Nigerian Church have practically abandoned the body of Christ to seek for attention, approval and patronage of the political brigands whose only interest is to perpetuate the suffering of their own people and plunge them into a deep sea of blood bath through the call for elections. They want to hand over the people to the Fulani caliphate for them to complete the work their great grandfather Uthman dan Fodio started. It must not happen.

The South African Church worked hand in hand with the ANC in ensuring majority rule.

Where are the Archbishops and bishops of the Nigerian church? The Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), CAN and other religious bodies are keeping silent in the face of impending attack on the body of Christ. They should rise up to their responsibilities. It is their duty to mobilize the body of Christ against the enemies of the Christian faith and values.

At the peak of the cold war, Pope John Paul II saw it as a point of moral and patriotic duty to see to the end of the "Evil empire". The polish pope made great efforts in preserving National identities, empowering groups to make bold political changes. A strong believer in the dignity and freedom of man. As a victim of the Nazi brutality , he was the embodiment of the Polish identity and history.

He clearly understood that the spread of communism must be stopped at all cost. It was his goal to uproot communism from the roots starting from his homeland. With deep sense of patriotism and love for fatherland, he visited Poland severally, making speeches I'm historical, holy and important sites. Emboldening the people to take charge of their destiny.

The saintly pope told the Polish workers to " oppose any form of degradation of man, including degradation by work. Speaking to the students in Cracow he said, " build a more just world where there were no restrictions, exploitations, falsification or discrimination of any kind ". His words energised liberation groups like the solidarity movement, giving them moral support and words of encouragement.

He propagated the sacred time which he defined as heroic destiny, personal sacrifice and divine intercession. According to a writer, Pope john Paul II was a catalyst for a new vision of Europe... (and) gave his countrymen the impetus to invent a new challenge to the seemingly immovable Marxist dictatorship in Warsaw. After his election, at the balcony of St. Peters, he told the people, " Be not Afraid ".

Those words echoed loud and clear to his polish compatriots and the impoverished people around the world. The poles drew political strength from those words and by 1989 the communist system collapsed starting from Poland. The Evil empire has been defeated.

History has proven that there has always been a strong and formidable alliance and unity of purpose between the church and liberation movements because the battle has always been against the church and the indigenous people. In fact, in the U.S.A the leaders of the civil Right movement had to give the mantle of leadership to a Reverend-- the venerable Rev. Martin Luther king jnr.

This is the Sacred time, the moment of truth and unification. The Nigerian church have to realize that it is to their best interest and a moral obligation to stand side by side with IPOB in the liberation. We are all the target of radical Islam. The CBCN and other religious organization must rise up to the occasion. The clash of values between radical Islam and Greco- roman - Judaeo- Christian values is inevitable.

The call for elections is simply the handing over of the flock of Christ to radical Islam. If El-Rufai can tell the world that the international observers will be taken back to their countries in bags   then imagine what will be the fate of the indigenous people. Our best option is simple on the 16th of February 2019, everybody should sit at home.

These bunch of deceivers have perfected their plans and are ready to march. We cannot accept a lesser evil. This election is deceptive, this is the final push to complete the ancient mission.

The leaders of the church must realize that they are the symbol and embodiment of our national identity. The church leaders have to follow the example of the Polish pontiff by making themselves available as instruments of God to end this evil agenda. Let us match together to change our story, because the oppressors can control the country but they can't control the celestial force because no ideology can replace the mighty power of God. Our virtues of hope , faith and love  should be marched with loyalty, sacrifice and service to the fatherland.

The leaders of the church have to follow the example of Saint John Paul II, Archbishop Tutu, Cardinal Sin and other courageous leaders of the church in supporting the liberation movements like IPOB in repelling the forces of darkness and oppression.

In the words of Ronald Reagan, "We are at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the Stars....if we lose that war, lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening.

The darkest hour is fast approaching, our destiny is before us. The land is ours, the faith we profess is under threat. The Choice is yours...

Comr. Chiemelie Umeh writes for VOBS.

Published by
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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